Sewer/Septic Installations
Depending on the type of septic systems, most septic systems can be installed in less than 4 hours. If you need a replacement septic system, you would be without septic service for only about an hour or so while the new septic tank can be installed. Before a septic system is installed there needs to be a certified soil test (perk test) done on the property. After the soil test has been registered with the Zoning office, a Master Plumber can apply for a Sanitary Permit. The Sanitary Permit is a very detailed report that shows all the component sizes and manufactures of all the materials that go into the system. It also shows a detailed map and elevation data for each system. Before a system can be covered, the system will be inspected by a member of the Zoning department to insure it meets state codes. In Wisconsin there are 7 types of systems that are approved for installation. For residential purposes, septic systems are designed based on the number of bedrooms that are planned for the dwelling. Each bedroom has an occupancy rating of 2 people so a 4 bedroom house the system would handle the waste of up to 8 people. Each bedroom has an estimated waste flow of 150 gallons a day. By determining gallons used a day we can then size the septic tank and drain field to handle the wastewater output of each home.